Saturday, January 01, 2011

Out with the with the new !!!!

Last night we said good bye to 2010. It started out a what I would have called an ok year and then in June my life changed and my year crashed faster than the stock market. Since then it has had it's occasional ups but last week it crashed again and I am pleased to say I am glad 2010 is over.

One of the highlights of the last week of 2010 was I was able to reconnect with my mother in law and her sister. Unfortunately we had lost touch over the past few years. We had a great dinner together and were able to catch up some of the time we had lost. Hopefully we will stay reconnected through 2011 and beyond.

I am starting this year off with a clean slate and going to make more time for my family and friends as they are what is truly important in life. Without my family and friends I would have not made it through this year.

I also am not going to dwell on the past as if I spend too much time dwelling on the past I well I will miss out on some of the excitement to come.

Here is to a great 2011.

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